Greetings – JAPAN.COM co.,ltd


JAPAN,COM CO.,LTD is an independent professional service firm located in central Tokyo.

While we realize our limitations going against big corporations, I feel that our company is able to provide our clients with hands on approach and provide them an unforgettable experience,

whether it is related to business or pleasure. In the past 10 years, I have traveled around the world and was inspired from people of all different races, cultures and nationalities. Every day, we take step by step approach in looking to improve through our experiences and interactions with our customers.

With this in mind, I established this company that can provide all the necessary professional services required by our clients, under one roof.

We are able to provide you with judicial notary, accountants, labor specialist, We have bilingual employees who are able to communicate and serve our clients accordingly.

We also have illustrators and designers who can help create your needs and offer total support for your potential business.

We currently have a network office in Thailand, Philippines, and affiliates in Singapore, Canada.

We look forward to providing all your needs under one roof. Let’s make your dream a reality!



通訳、翻訳者の手配から、ガス 水道会社、不動産会社との仲介、日本の小学校の視察、日本での結婚式の手配、撮影、、


JAPAN, Co.,Ltd  We coordinate your dreams!!
Level 9  kokubun Building
1-9-14-911 Kaigan Minato-ku
Tokyo 105-0022 Japan
Phone   03-3431-6925 (English.Japanese)
